Sunday, June 15, 2014

live that blesses LIVES

Shouldn't have time for blogging, I suppose. Having exam in 3 weeks time and I guess I'm just too lay back, and.. I hate the life sitting in front of the desk for 10 hours. The worst part is you don't get the input as you expected.

Oh well, but it's good that I constantly get myself excuses escaping from study by going church, attending cell group meeting, having discipleship, or even walk into some other life, whom you never expect.

So, here are me 3 disciplers, Mee Ing, Joyce and Sin Ying. These 3 first year juniors who are all so keen in God's words. It's really by God's grace I can become the disciple of these 3 girls and constantly speaks faith into their lives. Never think that I'm wise enough to advise, but thanks for their trust in me, to share their lives with me. 

You will never know how a live will link to another live, unless God plan it. Again, it's by God's grace, I see my life is transforming and glowing. 
We have a new friend, young and cute girl, Chay Yan. A girl, whom I only know a week ago, plus minus all visitations, meeting up not even 10 hours, in a ward of UMMC. 
Such a special and tough girl.
The very first girl I led to Christ, after praying that God will extend me; the girl that I would put aside my study and visit her with all stories and words and encouragement and prayers; the girl that I would pray to God in tears that God will relieve her from suffering and pain; the girl that I truly have faith, God will use her in amazing way.
I would want to continue journey with this girl if God permits, but still, she is transferring to another hospital. Even so, I will still continue pray for my beloved Chay Yan.

There's once a doctor who knows i wanted to be a dentist last time ask me, 'what is dentist treated?' 'TEETH!' I shout. And again he asked, 'why are you treating a tooth, rather than a patient with toothache?'
I'm so shock to realize, just two years as a busy medical student, I eventually lost the empathy as a human.
Chay Yan might be the first, but I'm sure she will not be the last I impact. Going to clinical years, where I have all day long to engage with patients. Definitely I'll not want to be like any doctors or any medical students, treating case rather treating patient, but I know I need a lot of prayers.

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